Sunday 30 December 2012

Great religious bores of today

You know how it is when you get on the bus and someone comes and sits down next to you, even though there are lots of empty seats...

I'm an atheist you know, I don't believe in any of that "sky-fairy" nonsense, I've been reading a brilliant book by that man Dawkins he's an Oxford professor, he was a very famous biologist you see, discovered genes, or DNA, or memes, or something, so he knows what he's talking about.

Gene, DNA or meme?

Genes, or DNA, or memes, or something.

Anyway he's now become an expert on theology, and he points out just how vile Catholicism is, they brainwash the kids you know. See those children over there, going to St Mary's School? You can see that they're mentally scarred by the prospect of ending up in Hell. Oh well, maybe it's because they've got a French test today, anyway, they're not looking very happy, are they? Dawkins says that's worse than child abuse and he's right. He's written lots of books with long words in them, you must have heard of him he's married to that woman on Dr Who...

Mrs Dawkins

That woman on Dr Who.

He got up, and another man sat down next to me...

Hello, I'm a deacon you know, you can tell that because I'm wearing a biretta, I'm just as good as a priest really but you'd be surprised just how many priests look down on us and give us all the dirty jobs to do. I do baptisms you know, they're safe in my hands, you don't see many of my baptisms going wrong.


A baptism gone wrong.

The same goes with funerals, they often give me funerals to do because I never smile, but I read a big book about how to do funerals, and the main thing to remember is to stand well back so that you don't fall in the grave, it upsets the bereaved if the deacon falls in the grave. Note that I am wearing a biretta on my head. My wife ironed it, in fact she irons my head flat every morning so that the biretta will fit on top. I've also got a dalmatic, but I don't wear it on the bus, it's white with black spots, because my wife saw a film "The 101 Dalmatics" and this gave her the idea.

101 Dalmatics

The 101 Dalmatics.

I can do exorcisms as well, even though deacons aren't supposed to. I woke up last night and saw the ghastly demon Ek-al-Byar leering at me, and saying "You're not a proper priest," but I said "Begone!" and turned the light on. It had turned into an old coat hanging on the wardrobe door. You see what powers I have...

Finally, another man wanted to share his grievances with me...

You're interested in religion, are you? Did you know that Pope Paul VI was replaced by a replica in 1967? Look at these photos, it proves it.

Pope    Anti-Pope

The real Paul VI (L) and the impostor (R).

Note how the impostor has his ring on the wrong hand. They exploited the confusion caused by Vatican II to smuggle a demon onto the throne of St Peter, so it's been Sede Vacante for the last 45 years. Look at the way Pope John-Paul II behaved - first he murdered John-Paul I, and then he bought himself a bent crucifix. It's clearly evidence that he was a demon.

Demon Pope

Shocking behaviour by a Pope.

What's more the Mormons posthumously baptised John-Paul II, so that proves he wasn't a true Catholic. And the present Pope is the same. But I have been reading the prophecies of the end of time, and I can tell you there will be only one more Pope after the present one - probably an Englishman called Vincent - after which there will be Armageddon, and then we'll see the present Catholic church destroyed like it says in the book of Revelation.

Pope Pius XIII

The rightful Pope, Pius XIII.

Oh, is this your stop? Well, it's been nice hearing your views...


  1. Pop at me all you like, but a pop at my wife? That's a mean low trick, and I am sure your Christian followers will be thrilled and love it.

    1. Go on, I know nothing at all about your wife. Nor is she being popped at here.

    2. Oh Myfanwy. Im the only deacon in the village.

    3. I know nothing about Mrs Flavin but having read some of Deacon Flavin's comment elswhere I think she must be a living saint just putting up with the rude and unpleasant man.

  2. Replies
    1. Oh I removed that. Someone with a chip on his shoulder might have tried to pretend it was referring to his wife.

    2. A chip on his shoulder? Good heavens, Eccles! This is a deacon in good standing. The least we could expect is that he has a battered cod on his shoulder.

    3. Surely not Mr R - he seems well-balanced - a chip on both shoulders :) xx Jess

  3. Actions speak louder than words. My case rests.

  4. Actions speak louder than words. My case rests.

    1. Eccles's kindness is legendary. It must be because he is a saved pusson.

  5. Is it me or do others find TF a trifle repetitive?

    1. Eccles should have saved Tony for the "great socialist bores" post instead, though there is an overlap, admittedly.

  6. Never mind the fake Paul VI. What about the fake Sister Wendy who has been appearing recently on the BBC?

  7. Darling eccles, just be tankful you was not on a bus in Stockport xx Jess

    1. I object to you running down northern witches like that, Jessica. As a Liverpool supporter and saved pusson, you are clearly biased.

    2. Dat's true Jadis :) xx Appy New Year to you :) xx Jess

    3. My husband, who regularly commutes on the 192, was going to report you to your Archbishop, Jessica, but changed his mind when he saw your kisses.

  8. It's a good thing you guys are not relgion bores or I would just move to another country.

  9. It is always much funnier when the pompous start kicking the walls of the comedy theatre, isn't it?

    I still think Clothilde's comment from Novermber is the best on this subject: "Well I've blocked @miseryguts, bruvver - trolls is trolls whether or not they claim to be deacons."

    Never mind the Santa hats: if I am to have a proper Catholic donkey blog, it is time to put birettas on my donkeys. I see Gamarelli's sell a biretta with the ear holes already tailored. They call it the deacon version.
